The following are key phrases used in, and it's best to decide how to translate each of these before starting the work. Phrases marked with "*" exist exactly or approximately in, and their translation in should match that of --- minimalist portfolio management system* project program portfolio portfolio of programs and projects Value / Valuable benefit investment cycle 6-Monthly Cycle Monthly Cycle Daily Cycle node (of diagram)* management activity* X1 - Evaluate the generated Value X2 - Optimize the Value generation strategy X3 - Conduct a focused communication* Y1 - Evaluate portfolio stakeholder satisfaction* Y2 - Evaluate the ongoing programs and projects Y3 - Plan improvements* Y4 - Conduct a focused communication* Z1 - Manage follow-up items Z2 - Start, stop, or pause programs and projects Z3 - Balance resources portfolio board / portfolio board member core members proxy members portfolio manager custodian* program sponsor / project sponsor documents Portfolio Description* Value Generation Matrix Global Follow-Up Register* follow-up item Global Health Register* Business Cases* tailoring Delphi technique* Planning Poker absolute justification relative justification Value categories specific to the organization general Value categories continuity sustainer diversifier return on investment timeframe short-term medium-term long-term overall risk balancing horizon